Day 6: Culture day

After 5 days of riding our bikes direction south, we decided to take half of the day off and visit the "Chan Chan" ruins in Trujullo. The Chan Chan were a community, active before the Inkas. A nation of the Chimu. As the Inkas were active just few years, the Chan Chan on the other hand kind of reigned the north of Peru for more than 600 years. Their architecture is admirable and really strong, thus long-living.

Still today, major parts of the buildings are left intact. The tourism organization of Peru just cares of it, so that just the minimum can be destroyed by storms like "El Niño".

On the next photo we see the difference between the maintenance work of today and the work of the Chan Chan.

The upper part is maintenance and has been destroyed by this years El Niño. The other part of the wall has been built between 850 AD and 1370 AD.

They strongly believed in the sun, moon and the sea. They even sacrificed kids to their divinities. These days, around 40'000 until 60'000 people used to live here. They were strongly divided in hierarchies, and so was the city. The higher you were in the hierarchy, depending on your bloodline and your profession, the more you were allowed to see; the nearer you could go to the nobility and the king.

Since the Inkas haven't been able to fight and capture the city and win the force in these areas, they redirected the main river and fought them when Chan Chan was in thirst.

If you'd like to know more about this city or the Chimú, please refer to

After visiting this city, we went back to Trujillo, looking for a tailor to fix the motorcycling trousers of Mathias and a new helmet for Stephan.

At 4 pm we took all our stuff and just went few kilometers to find a wild camping spot. After a while we turned left into a company's premises of agriculture and asked if we could find a place to set up our tents there. They refused to let us pass, so we went until the next possibility.

It was already 5pm when we found a similar place, of another company, but not guarded. Few meters off the path we found a suitable place in a gravel pit: flat, sandy, wind-protected and also view-protected of the company's buses crossing by.

Traditionally we had some whiskey with coke and cooked pasta before we went to sleep.


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